That's fine, Toodoped

And I think everyone agrees that not everyone is "all good" or "all bad." It's called the duality of man. But a man is judged (here, and by God, if you believe in a deity) by his entire life. I've seen videos on the History Channel of Hitler kissing a few babies in between goose steps.
See what I'm getting at, pal?
Yup I agree with you.Thats why I said that "the devil comes as a gentleman"... I a bad person,for example if I take this girl for a "one night stand" and I say to her that I love her and blah blah blah and then dump her after the sex?!I think no because she got played.Survival of the fittest right?Same goes for selling drugs,booze,gambling or prostitution...if you take it,than you got played.The person that sells you thouse "stuff" I do not concider him as a bad person.Its just business.BUT I cant say the same thing for murder....