This may upset a few but here it goes. It's unfortunate you have to disrespect the actor pictured above and George. This isn't a board regarding appearances but about organized crime. Just my thought.
This is about the tamest board when it comes to this stuff. It's because the moderators here are fair, yet no nonsense. You should see the things they post on the other boards. Pictures, personal information, family insults, the whole nine yards.
The point is, this type of subject matter lends itself to all kinds of people. Some kids, some wannabes, some crazies. But for the most part, this is a civil board with a lot if intelligent people who have a serious interest in movies, food, and yeah, some real life organized crime.
When you live your life in the public eye, like mob guys do when they go on trial and to prison, people are going to talk about you. Especially in the Internet age. So relax. Heed the advice of your username. It is what it is.
"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.