Originally posted by Sermanni:
[QUOTE]...He would never escape Michael. He accepted his death

The only reason he 'accepted his death' is because he didn't know it was coming.

As for him not being a 'complete moron', maybe not but he didn't have to be one to not realize he was being set up.

Some who discuss this over & over may not take into account that WE know Fredo's fate only because we've seen the film over and over and over again. We know it's coming, we know WHEN it's coming and we're ready.

But there are many here, including yours truly, who were taken by surprise and completely shocked at what happened to Fredo after Michael had apparently let him off. Furthermore, the first time I saw it I too thought Mike was a heel, how could he do such a horrible thing...until watching the movie a few times and over a few years and coming to the understanding that Fredo did, indeed have to go.

If we didn't see it coming that very first time...why would the cowardly, weak, stupid Fredo? Are we all complete morons?

Because some of continue to feel sorry for Fredo, we give the character far more credit than he really deserves.

He didn't know.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.