Umm, actually that "Director's Cut" isn't Scott's final cut.

What happened is that at the time in 1991 or so when WB had found some earlworkshop print edits of the movie in its vaults, the time period to assemble this cut was short for Scott and his WB editors.....the problem was all the stuff that was in Scott's "prefered" final cut couldn't be found. Thing was, WB just wanted to release this new cut with the new footage to make cash of the movie's cultdom, which Scott threatened to publicly disown it via full-page ads in all the major entertainment industry newspapers.

Long story short, Scott and WB were able to find some new footage that Scott was satisfied enough(mainly that whole "unicorn dream" deal) and signed off on it. Point is, the Director's Cut out on DVD on a lousy stone-age era DVD is not the guy's cut.

However, apparently WB found that footage that couldn't be found in 1991(or whenever the DC was released) and is making the "final definitive" cut for some super-duper-looper SE DVD sometime in the future.

Neverless, I prefer the version without that narration.