Originally Posted By: BAM_233

'shoeless' joe jackson- should be inducted.

One of the strangest aspects of the Joe Jackson case is that no one ever takes up the Hall of Fame case of pitcher Eddie Cicotte. Like Jackson, he took the money and confessed to the fix, and had good personal stats in the Series (2.91 ERA). They say that Comiskey's tight-fisted ways drove the players to set up the fix, and Cicotte was the most-directly impacted in this way - he was held out of the rotation for two weeks in September when he was approaching a bonus for 30 wins. At the time he was barred he had won 209 games, 90 in the previous four years. He was 36 then, but he was probably headed for a career win total way over 250, and he threw a knuckleball a lot so he might well have gone over 300 wins. He wasn't quite the pitcher that Jackson was a hitter, but it's hard to see why Jackson gets so much attention while Cicotte is just another of the Black Sox.

"All of these men were good listeners; patient men."