yeah, jesse is a real scumbag all right, that's why he filed this lawsuit before this fucking nutter was shot and killed. also, the callousness he showed when he offered to drop the lawsuit in return for a simple apology and retraction, sickening! oh yeah, and the poor widow, right? good thing newscorp insurance isn't going to foot the bill and the money will come right out of her own pocket which will leave her begging on the streets, that is if you overlook the countless million in sales the book has already generated. good thing she probably won't retain the movie right either, we need to get a kickstarter going right now dammit!

for those of you who actually believe the story, look at the history of kyle. the man had some serious issues, being a pathological liar among them. who else remembers the story he told about being carjacked and shooting both of his assailants dead? funny, no police report. another gem, him claiming that he was deployed on top of the superdome during katrina and having shot dead some 30+ looters, despite no evidence whatsoever to go along with his claims. how anybody in their right mind could believe that governor ventura, a decorated veteran in his own right, would spout of such insane comments like "the seals deserved to lose a few" at the wake of a fellow seal is crazy. the guy has been an outspoken war critic for years, constantly saying how horrible it is for these guys to die for a bunch of lies and financial gains.
then the icing on the cake, taking this load of shit to bill o'reilly and the rest of the partisan hacks at that propaganda center, who are no fans of jesse because they don't seem to like people who they can't bully, fuck 'em! this was nothing more than a poorly thought out and poorly executed attempt at character assassination on a guy who doesn't share the views of some and dares to speak out. just more of the same old dirty tricks!