Originally Posted By: Bugsyvegas1930
Originally Posted By: Facchia

I'm very interested in your theory...but without concrete proof, there isn't a leg to stand on.

To be honest,the only theory is that fake agent Roemer loved Accardo and said that all of the FBi respected Tony.Why's that?Because of the "Family Pact"?!You belive that?

Roemer despised Giancana.Can you tell me difference between Mooney and Tony?Both were flamboyant and both were big shots in the Outfit.Accardo maybe killed more people than Mooney.

On 27 March 1952 Accardo was wanted for questioning by the special Cook county grand jury that was investigating the horse meat racket and was never convicted.Bodies started to show up and he was never questioned about it.Can you tell me why?

Also if you follow history,most of the Taylor street guys were under big pressure during the late 50's and mid 60's.When Ricca died,most of the crew went to jail and Accardo ordered the murders of some the Taylor Street members and took over Ricca's crew.He placed his own men(Aiuppa and Cerone).Now he was the Outfits one and only elder statesman.That sounds suspicious to me and its something to think about.Im not sayin that he was a dry snitch but theres really somethin suspicious about the whole situation...its all about the cash remember?

Last edited by Toodoped; 08/04/14 10:19 AM.

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