What's up guys, I've done a lot of reading on the Patriarca family and as you know Ray Sr's reign was really intriguing. The Father Fagin scandal, controlling the whole region more or less uncontested for about 30 years and he sat on the Commission. However, there are a couple little things I've never been able to get cleared up and hope someone can help me out.

First, I've read several times that Patriarca Sr. was made in NYC. Does anyone know who he was made with? I read that he had connections with the Genovese, and his underboss Henry Tameleo was made with the family that eventually became the Bonannos. Obviously Payriarca Sr. was made way before Valachi flipped and the families got those titles so the answer to this may be unclear.

Second, does anyone know anything about where in Italy his family was from?

I appreciate any insight fellas. Links to testimony, FBI files, etc would all be helpful as well.