Originally Posted By: ChiTown
lol I wasn't aware that certain posters had the authority to set the universal standards around what constitutes a "formal leadership structure" and a mafia family from the comfort of their computer chairs thousands of miles away.

Even if it's a few Italian guys who are descendants of major gangsters running a small book, it's organized crime and worth discussing on this forum. No one forces you to read these threads. Consider skipping the, if it bothers you so much that people want to talk and guess what's going on in certain cities.

First, nolaguy has been cruising various forums for last couple years trying to use a mixture of fact and fiction to convince people there is still an LCN family in New Orleans. Most of it he's simply made up out of thin air, with a handful of real names thrown in to make it look more legit. He cites a phantom New Orleans Metropolitan Crime Commission report but has no links to it. All his links have either gone to his blog or to dead ends.

Second, you know very well it's not me who is setting the standard. People can go by what the FBI says. Read the recent articles involving the "assassin van." Or you can look at the general lack of mob activity over the past 20 years. The last significant bust was the video gambling case back in the 1990's and, even then, the family was considered to be on it's last legs. That's only been proven true since then.

Third, nobody is saying people can't discuss whatever holdouts remain in New Orleans and what they're up to. But nolaguy's agenda is to convince people that there's still a formally structured, viable family left there. Never mind the fact that there aren't more than a few made members left at most.

How about you be honest for once, ChiTown, and quit trying to confuse the issue with your BS.

Originally Posted By: Bugsyvegas1930
And in case you haven't read anything for the last 30 years, the FBI has "DISMANTLED" a majority of organized crime families across the country. Originally, there were 26 mafia families, and now we are down to 9...I'd say the Justice Department and the FBI along with their good friend RICO has not only decimated a "majority" of OC families, but the Feds have locked up or put away a majority of influential, high profile mafioso going back to the 1985 Commission case.

Agreed. Anyone who cares to look at the evidence (objectively) will find there are 9 viable families left - the 5 NY families, New Jersey, New England, Philadelphia, and Chicago. Maybe 10 if one includes Detroit. "Viable" meaning there is still a semblance of a formal structure and significant ongoing activity. These are the families you will see listed in any recent article citing official sources. And, not surprisingly, the cases (or lack thereof) in various cities only prove to support this. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, we've always had a number of posters on these forums who are intent on convincing people there are still active families in other cities.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 08/07/14 10:41 AM.

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