Originally posted by Krlea:
My point being that the gov't is ultimetly doing what the majority of Americans want and in effect, if that is the majority, how can that be wrong in a Democratic state?
First of all, we don't know for sure what the majority wants in many instances.

But even if we did, should "what the majority wants" be the only criteria in a democratic society for what we are allowed to do or not do?

I think if you submitted all of the following to a national referendum, the majority of people in America would "not want" some, if not all, of the following:

-- Pre-marital sex
-- Certain other sexual practices between consenting adults (homosexuality, sodomy, etc.)
-- Pornography on the internet
-- Any pornography at all, for that matter
-- Gambling
-- Rap music
-- Censorship or complete elimination of certain unpopular political views, such as Communism or Nazism
-- The return of prayer to the public schools

My point is that the basis for a democratic society is that everyone has the individual right to pursue certain beliefs, interests, and courses of action in their daily lives that, as long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others, should not be regulated by the majority simply because they are in disagreement.

"Difficult....not impossible"