Originally posted by Mickey:
[QUOTE]What makes me think that Fredo had knowledge of how the deaths of Tessio and Carlo were arranged is the fact that those 2 murders happened BEFORE Fredo ever betrayed the family. He was still part of the family at that point. He knew Michael's style. Just because he was in Vegas doesn't mean he had no idea what was going on in his family, or about Michael's tendency to snuff people by changing plans at the last minute.
Gosh, do you really think it would've been conveyed to him all the way out there in Vegas that ..."Here's how we got Tessio and here's how we got Carlo..."???

Again, somebody giving Fredo credit for far more intelligence than he had.

And...I don't really think he DID know Michael's style. If he did, he may not have truly trusted he was safe with Michael in the first place, even AFTER that embrace at their mother's wake. He might've thought (with time to mull over it of course and not at that very moment... lol ), "Gosh, this was nice to reconcile with my brother...but I know Mikey it's not like him to let me get away with this just to be on the safe side I better make myself scarce."

And by the way...although the BIG betrayal with Hyman Roth was still years away, by taking sides against the family with Moe Green, Fredo had already shown evidence that he was not to be trusted with the more important aspects of the business. And after that, he never was.

Originally posted by Mickey:
[QUOTE]Look what happened to Vito when Paulie called in sick, and Fredo had to drive instead. Fredo knew that sudden changes in travel plans were a bad omen.
Unbelievable...to say this would be similar to saying that everytime somebody in the movie saw an orange orange nearby, they should've realize they were about to be whacked.

What is 'bad omen' to the audience isn't necessarily a bad omen to the characters in the film. rolleyes

Oh, and say...have I mentioned yet that FREDO DIDN'T KNOW ?????

Loving every minute...

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.