Contacted to add this to there site other day
They added it, and people posted the whole series with English subs, Even though they there only broadcasting the English Sub version on sky Atlantic for two weeks now lol
just finished watching whole first series, first 3/4 episodes are some fo the best tv i have ever seen looses focus after that until 9 through to 12 but still very good worth a watch.
just finished watching whole first series, first 3/4 episodes are some fo the best tv i have ever seen looses focus after that until 9 through to 12 but still very good worth a watch.
just finished watching it great series, gotta wait til 2016 for season 2,
Just completed episode 6. This series is one mother of a sleeper waiting to happen. Absolute top notch,we can't get enough of it here. Ciro the immortal is brilliant. Highly recommend to you all,so glad they are doing season 2.
Just completed episode 6. This series is one mother of a sleeper waiting to happen. Absolute top notch,we can't get enough of it here. Ciro the immortal is brilliant. Highly recommend to you all,so glad they are doing season 2.
started watching after i saw this thread, this show is siiiiiick. 5 episodes in i can only imagine what else is going to happen. lefty two guns i owe you a drink for putting me on to this one!
my only gripe has nothing to do with the show just that whoever translated didn't do a great job, hopefully someone will translate it again after this gets more popular, which i'm sure it will.
The episodes that are currently on in the UK are the ones you want to watch. They have the real studio english subtitles hardcoded into them. Not those bullshit subtitles from the scene guys who translated it from italian to dutch to english using google translation. Episode 9 is on this coming monday.
Genny is a new man. He's not taking shit from anyone now.
Genny isn't taking any shit. But he's also still operating from a base of nepotism. Part of me wants Ciro to slap the dumb shit down. Ciro - for all he's self-serving - he's grafted to where he is and is being made to slum it.
I dont see it either. LMK if you find it on you tube or something else, and vice versa! the movie has been up there but only in segments which obviously is no way to watch something.
I've just watched the first episode, decent show..
The Mafia Is Not Primarily An Organisation Of Murderers. First And Foremost,The Mafia Is Made Up Of Thieves. It Is Driven By Greed And Controlled By Fear.
Between The Law And The Mafia, The Law Is Not The Most To Be Feared
"What if the Mafia were not an organization but a widespread Sicilian attitude of hostility towards the law?"
Hey De Niro,we(in UK) are awaiting episode 11 and trust me my friend it's going to kick off big time,so much so i feel like hiding behind the couch to avoid the bullets. Growing up watching spaghetti westerns,giallos and italian crime films,regarding Ciro the Immortal,well all i can say is nobody does the anti hero like the italians do. Enjoy!!
I tend to stream most things on line, so i can watch it at my leisure. Still only watched the first episode as yet..
The Mafia Is Not Primarily An Organisation Of Murderers. First And Foremost,The Mafia Is Made Up Of Thieves. It Is Driven By Greed And Controlled By Fear.
Between The Law And The Mafia, The Law Is Not The Most To Be Feared
"What if the Mafia were not an organization but a widespread Sicilian attitude of hostility towards the law?"
Now that Gomorra the TV series will be televised in america, I want to open this post with the best quotes of the series. Sorry for the spoiler
stai senza pensieri (stay without worries) sti rus tutto renaro e cattiveria (these Russians, all money and badness) scommetto che ti chiami Noemi (I bet your name is Noemi)
Genny Savastano to his mother Imma, regent of the clan.
when I was in the honduras I was in a hut, and with me there was an American that spoke spoke because he was afraid. In the meantime,your money didn't arrive.One night the Hondurans put a machete in my hand and shouted "kill him", I was praying that someone would come and save me,that you to come save me. But nothing. And they kept shouting "kill him or we kill you," and then I did it. I started cutting the head first, then the arms, then his hands; I did it in pieces.
I left at Naples, a gang of assholes who can't even find the dick in pant
Last edited by furio_from_naples; 10/10/1403:52 AM.
Hey De Niro,we(in UK) are awaiting episode 11 and trust me my friend it's going to kick off big time,so much so i feel like hiding behind the couch to avoid the bullets. Growing up watching spaghetti westerns,giallos and italian crime films,regarding Ciro the Immortal,well all i can say is nobody does the anti hero like the italians do. Enjoy!!
Ciro really is a heartless guy. He screwed over that kid Daniel badly and what he did to Daniels girlfriend was really pretty cruel. I like him.
Up to episode 10, 2 more to go this first season. The shows playing in the UK are the shows that english speaking people who don't understand Italian should watch. They have the genuine studio english subtitles that make a big difference.
I also really like Ciro. Is the only one who always knows what to do, and Imma and Genny want to lead just because the name Savastano, but nepotism have no grip and ends up as the third colombo war. Regarding Danielino and girlfriend, but what did you expect? Ciro is a camorrista taht lives and acts as a camorrista, doesn't it seem strange that Danielino accept so easily to kill a man? what think ? Is not GTA?
Ciro grew up in an orphanage and says that Don Pietro Savastano saved him. I don't really understand why at the beginning makes the spy on the drug shipment and then as soon as Don Pietro is arrested trying to scale the power using Genny.What Imma and then Genny, are wrong to do is to isolate him. He has always been a loyal soldier but Imma first and then Genny returned crazy from Honduras not only isolate Ciro, but badly treated the faithful capizona leading them to revolt.
Benny a small joke on your name A man with three balls goes into a bus and says to another person: "You know that you and I have 5 balls? the other say," Why you poor man, only have one ? "
if my grandpa had three balls, he would have been a flipper way of saying
Hey fellas,finished Gomorrah,all i can say is wow the finale was of epic proportions,probably best finale of any series/box set i have ever scene.....brutal! The big hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein got the rights to show it in America and he said himself it is absolute world class. For anyone who shy's away from subtitles,your missing out big time. Stefano Sollima said the other day series 2 will be bout 18 months. Bring it on!! Ciro the Immortal..."you fools how could you ever trust me!? I am evil"
Benny a small joke on your name A man with three balls goes into a bus and says to another person: "You know that you and I have 5 balls? the other say," Why you poor man, only have one ? "
if my grandpa had three balls, he would have been a flipper way of saying
It's always good to have a spare ball, you never know when you might need it.
I just watched the season finale of Gomorrah, good episode! I really liked this series, i hope they don't make us wait too long for the second season.
I dont see how anyone can "like" Ciro. You guys are some real homers for this Mafia shit. Genny was arguably my favorite character up until the final episode,started out wet behind the ears, but became a ruthless killer, who still had somewhat of a conscious. Ciro lost his after his mentor was killer and Lady Imma begun treating him like dirt. Still that was no reason for him to do what he did to that girl. The one thing I really liked about this show was that there are no heroes, there are no good guys and there isnt anyone to root for. Not one character. However after Ciro manipulated everyone, the final scene in the final episode reveals where this show is going. And I really hope Ciro is offed early on. Though I must admit that what he did to Lady Imma, was pure genius. But she too, was an asshole.
I dont see how anyone can "like" Ciro. You guys are some real homers for this Mafia shit. Genny was arguably my favorite character up until the final episode,started out wet behind the ears, but became a ruthless killer, who still had somewhat of a conscious. Ciro lost his after his mentor was killer and Lady Imma begun treating him like dirt. Still that was no reason for him to do what he did to that girl. The one thing I really liked about this show was that there are no heroes, there are no good guys and there isnt anyone to root for. Not one character. However after Ciro manipulated everyone, the final scene in the final episode reveals where this show is going. And I really hope Ciro is offed early on. Though I must admit that what he did to Lady Imma, was pure genius. But she too, was an asshole.
I agree, no one is likable in this show and that's why I also like it so much, it's realistic..
There are no good guys in such a world, it's cutthroat and only the most brutal survive..
Finished watching season 1. Ciro is a cold motherfucker. One funny thing is the way in which ciro tries to manipulate and decieve is hilarious because it always involves him either grabbing peoples faces or getting really uncomfortably close to their faces and being really overly intense. I think if it was set in america anyone would either be creeped out by him or be able to tell hes trying to fuck them over.