Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Given the cycle of presidential elections in this country, I think we always elect someone who is the opposite of the former president. G.W. Bush was the anti-Clinton, and Obama was the anti-Bush. The next president will be the "Anti-Obama."

I agree with everything in your post, DT. Especially this part. I've been saying for the past six years that Hillary will never be President. I'm convinced that she knows this. That's why I'm not even convinced that she's running.

And it's enough already anyway. She'll be almost 70 years old when 2016 rolls around, which is almost as old as Bob Dole was back in '96. And back then the Dems had a field day with the old man jokes. Well, what comes around goes around. The Internet was in its infancy back then. But today? No one wants to look at her tired old puss 24/7 in the age of social media.

Bottom line: The Clintons (and the Bushes, for you righties) have been around way too long with their tired old politics. I'm sick of them.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.