Originally Posted By: Zavattoni
I'm pretty sure Albert is semi-retired, but as you said, You never know when it come to the Genoveses. Active in their 80's and sometimes 90's. I'm also pretty sure all the younger guys look up to him and his word is well respected through the entire family. He may be in an advisory role.

That's the thing. After all these years, his world is still no bigger than President Street. So in Downtown Brooklyn, where he's revered by people enamored with that life, he'll always be looked upon in an advisory role. Outside the area, not so much. But that certainly doesn't diminish him in any way.

Because the fact is, the Westside's real strength was never in Brooklyn anyway. That he's so well respected by the old Manhattan crews, both uptown and downtown, and as far as the Bronx and Jersey, speaks volumes about the guy. He's the kind of guy they'd never put out to pasture. And that's really saying something because dinosaurs who don't earn get shelved all the time.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.