Pizza said "What's the difference between a pro-lifer on the far right who blows up an abortion clinic, or a tree-hugger on the far left who blows up a construction site?"
Yes,those pro lifers are blowing up places all over the world. I just saw the video of my new grad daughters baptism. That priest was definatly a pro-lifer I wonder how many building he blew up when he is not asking people to renounce satin. When he said it I almost laughed out loud.
He also mention Christians are under attack today even more then in Roman times. We know that is bullshit. Moslems are not killing christens who happen to live in Moslem countries. We know that is a lie it has to be a lie our Government does not believe it. It just the right wing propaganda.

What does one have to do with the other?
I'm FOREVER going after the Muslim extremists on this site. And they're killing more Christians than Jews on any given day. But you're suggesting that there's no such thing as the far right, which is as absurd as SC letting Richie Animal slither back here with a new username. New name, same insane posts from a demented old troll. And you didn't answer my question. What's the difference between an eco-terrorist who blows up a construction site, and a pro-lifer who blows up an abortion clinic?
There is no fucking difference. They're both scumbag lowlifes. And for you to condemn one, while not even acknowledging the other, tells me everything I need to know about you. And don't fucking tell me what it takes to make a good Catholic or a good Christian. You've got twenty years on me (if you're really 75, and not some maladjusted teenager), and I've forgotten more about my faith than you'll ever know. I at least
try to lead a Christian life. You, on the other hand, with your violent stories, and your hatred of the police, and every other psychotic thing you've ever posted . . . .
Every other one of your posts is a violent fantasy, or some repressed memory about an imaginary father who burned you with cigarettes and got hung off the fire escape. If any of that's true, it's awful. But tell it a shrink. No one wants to hear about it here. My point is, you go on and on about violence and how great it is to steal, and in the next breath you want to talk about how people on the right are decent. That you're a cop hater even further muddies your pathology: A demented cop hater who votes Republican. Gotcha.