Originally Posted By: Footreads
You say you are not a left wing democratic but you try to justify what they do it or it just seems that way

Oh, I see. Because I'm not all the way in with The Right, that makes me a Lefty. It's not enough that I'm forever admonishing Muslim extremists and telling the lazy welfare bilkers and system milkers to get a job. If I'm not willing to admit that there's a Far Right that makes me a Lefty. Gotcha.

I get the same crap from the Lefties who don't like it when I call them out on their crap, even though I'm in basic agreement with them on some other things. It's called being a political centrist, which in my opinion takes much more courage because it pisses everyone off. So I must be doing something right.

Originally Posted By: Footreads
On that guy Richie Animal that people keep confusing me with I am getting to really dig that guy.

Nah, you wouldn't have liked him. Strangest guy in the history if this site. SC tossed him on general principle, just for being a shit stirring weirdo. But thank God he's gone.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.