Originally Posted By: SC
What the fuck is going on? Is there a full moon driving everyone crazy? afs, I'm surprised at you. You are usually more reasonable. Making a comment like that before copying someone's post is flaming. FWIW - it is a little annoying to see pb's statement recurring as much as it is, BUT, IMHO it's a valid question. Couldn't you just say something like, "How many times are you going to ask that"? I think that would make a point.

Anyway, please EVERYONE, take a deep breath, count to ten and RELAX. There's enough hate being shown on tv from Missouri. We shouldn't be adding on to it here on the GBB.

I'm sorry to have used offensive language. However, I don't think that was a valid point. Whenever there's a protest, there are people who hijack the protest with looting. Doesn't mean looting is okay, and certainly doesn't mean that people have to sit quietly and take these actions with no protest.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones