Is there a fatwah. I suppose. But all of the wahs I've ever come across are on the thinner side.
Who are the bad guys these days?? Al-Queda, ISIS, Hamas???
Whatever happened to the Taliban??
That's the thing, Yogi. If you say they're "all the same," their apologists will tell you that you're part of the problem because you don't "understand" them, or what "drove them to it," blah blah blah

But they ARE all the fucking same, in that they're all murdering scumbags who don't deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of civilized society. This beheading is so over the top evil that I'm seriously rethinking my world view all together.
Now, is it a knee-jerk reaction to say that I'd advocate killing off these entire countries, with the exception of Israel, with precise nuclear strikes, and then starting over?
Sure it is, and I'm probably talking out of my ass when I say that. But it
is getting to that point
