Anybody here from around that area? Or maybe vacationed down here back in the late 1970's through the 1980's ?

Some of the clubs I worked in were:

Club Top Draw (79th street causeway)
Bonfire (79th caus.)
Place for Steak (79th caus.)
Carino's (125th and Biscayne)
The Forge (Arthur Godfrey Causeway)

Villa Perrone (Hallandale)
Bootsies (Hallandale))
I.T Chips (used to be Bootsies)
The Round Table (Hallandale)

Top of the Home (Hollywood)
Hemmingways (Hollywood)
Joe Sonkens Gold Coast (Hollywood)
Grand Saloon (Hollywood)
Tre Amici (Hollywood)

Septembers (Ft.Lauderdale)
Mr.Pips (Ft.Laud)
Pier 66 (Ft.Laud)

Back then many of those clubs were crawling with real wiseguys all down from up north for the season. There were also a shitload of "wannabee's" too. The'd show up with the black shirt and white tie etc. buying drinks for everybody....

Many of the posters here are real experts in this stuff. I thought some of the older guys (like me) might have a few stories/memories about some of these places.

Over the years I met Terry Zappi, Jimmy Alo, Johnny Cerella, Tony and Frank Galgano (Bobby Rubino's) and Believe it or not I played a party at Mr. Pips in the private party room for John Gotti. I didn't really even know who he was back then. I'm not sure if it was before or after Castellano.

I'm not saying I knew these guys personally. Just that when they came into a place where I was working whispers would spread across the bandstand....

Those days are pretty much over down here. Although I have seen Skinny Joey a few times around Boca Raton. But nothing like the old days.

Anyway, I love to hear any old stories any of you might like to share.


Last edited by salvi62; 08/23/14 03:26 PM.