pizza you think hes allowed to keep the whole 15k or had to give Daniel leo half?
I'm sorry for the late reply, pmac. I just read this post. But if I answered it would just be a guess. And you know I really don't like to speculate.
I'll just say this much: Angelo and Danny go way back to Harlem together. And I'm not even talking about the '70s, when the Purple Gang was semi-famous. I'm talking all the way back to the late '50s and early '60s. However it was worked out, they weren't going to jeopardize a forty year relationship for a lousy 15 grand. Simple as that.
look at that guy tommy d. taking more then half of the asoros loan shark money that was greedy in that was last yr. he took I think 40k out of a 75 loan.
Apples and oranges, pmac. Look at the Bonannos, then look at the Westside

And can you do me a favor and pm me that article about Angelo? I'd really like to read that
