I have been watching a lot of the episodes of the first 48 which I recorded. If you aren't familiar with this show, it follows a homicide investigation from the moment 911 is called until the conclusion. These murders take place in various cities all over the USA but many are in Miami, Birmingham Al; Houston; Dallas; and Cincinnati. What amazes me is the various sentences passed out. Many do get life, but many receive these insane sentences like the one last night where a guy with a long record got 2 years. He has twice slit the throat of his ex girlfriend. Seems like someone's life ought be worth more than 2 years especially in Texas
It's crazy. They blame it on overcrowded prisons. But with all the money we throw away in this country---mostly on wars that we have no business fighting for a bunch of ungrateful third world hellholes---you'd think we could build enough criminal housing to put violent felons behind bars for slightly longer than two years at a clip
