What I dont like about pro football and for that matter college and HS.
Coach tries to think for the team. Quarterback can call his own plays not even audibles anymore. Like their coaches are so much smarter then them.
I was watching a game being played at my local field. I see a ton of space before the play starts that can be attacked if the quarterback saw it and if the coach would let him audible at the line of scrimmage.
Now I am talking with a few of those kids fathers. I pointing that space out to them. I told them to bad they don't let your kids think for themselves.
It used to be a receiver would tell a quarterback he can eat his man for breakfast on a slant over the middle. The coach won't even let the kids do that anymore.
So I go to the coach he is busy

like I give a shit. I started to point the exposed space out to him. I told him work with them in practice on calling audibles. Then I left I wonder if the jerk off even heard what I was saying.
Those kids would have more fun playing soccer.