Yes, I have seen BRONSON, I've read and watched anything I can on "Chopper" Read. I am a movie, book, and film buff, so we could yammer about this topic for days on end. I've written a few screenplays myself… Fun shit. Used to have a fantastic writing partner but he can't keep himself out of prison. I've seen Ronnie John's performances. I love stories of the Australian Underworld. Those guys are cool as fuck and don't give a DAMN. I love the fact that all of the Australian hoods rock gold teeth. I have a couple of Choppers books too.

I have watched THE SICILIAN GIRL. Decent flic. 50 DEAD MEN WALKING was a great movie based around the IRA and their hitters. Pretty brutal. Also, if you haven't seen it, PAID IN FULL was a great account of some Harlem Dope Boys in the 80's. It has Cam'Ron, Makhi Phifer, and Wood Harris. I just watched SERPICO the other night for some kicks. GREAT fuckin' movie. I am going to get started on the GOMMORAH series. Heard nothing but good on that.

I am going to have to check out that MALERBA book. Not much Stidda information available in book form going on in the United States. Same as info on The Crown. IS MALERBA available in English?

Last edited by IlLupo77; 09/26/14 12:08 PM.