Yea, I bowled my high game was 268. I had a lot of 200 games. My brother in law had a decent amount of sanctioned 300 games.

When the automated scorer was invented I thought that was the best thing since bullets.

I used to go bowling at stadium lanes right across the street from the old Yankee stadium.

Later I tried to bowl in every bowling alley in Brooklyn.

You know what's bad I had a bag that held two bowling balls. Everyone once in a while I would ball a 130 game. It looked really bad.

I had to wear dark shirts when I bowled. I had a habit of resting the ball on my shirt. Where a light colored shirt it would leave a dirt mark on the shirt.

I tried everything to get better. I had the balling glove with the pad on the palm was supposed to give you more lift. I had the wrist brace. I had every fucking thing and still was never consistent.

My thumb used to rip because I bowled too many games. Had to use something they called new skin to replace the skin warn off.

There used to be a stupid bowling show in NYC called bowling for dollars. Guy went on it that could not bowl for shit for chump change. That show made me laugh out loud. Guy bowls throws a gutter ball and says I did not keep my thumb straight smile

I did have a fight in a bowling alley once. I grabbed him by his pants and ran down the lane with him and threw him into the pins. smile

only the unloved hate