True, and I'm going to diverge from the original topic for a bit. Even at Livia's funeral, Junior was supportive of bumping Ralph up to capo based on how well he was doing with Richie's old crew. Putting Gigi as capo was another Tony ego over business decision -- Tony took offense to Ralphie referring to the crew as "his," then Ralphie compounded it with taking Jackie, Jr. to collect from the Arab. After that, Ralphie was slighted and started acting more outrageously. Since the rest of the crew viewed Gigi as an outsider, the crew treated Ralphie as the de facto capo, which put both Tony and Gigi in a difficult spot.

The same things that Tony hated in Ralphie were the same problems Tony had -- poor impulse control, propensity to violence and subverting the Boss' orders. Tony beating Mahaffey in a very public setting was far stupider than what Ralphie did to the Arab. And Tony had no issue going behind Jackie Aprile's back and lying to his face about it -- look at the Hassidic hotel situation in 46 Long.