The police have really cracked down on pills , big time , and they have become much harder to get so heroin abuse is up a boatload . LE are making huge busts these days and it is having almost no effect , that's how much heroin is getting into the US these days .

I believe Camden , Paterson and Newark have the most potent heroin in the area today and those cities are probably most dangerous in the area .

Still tho there was nothing close from a crime perspective than the crack epidemic in the 80s and early 90.

I was in NYC a lot in the early to mid 90s because you could do anything , I used to get served alcohol with braces , girls offering BJs everywhere for $15 to $20, it was nuts . I think the highest NYC murder rate was that year in 1993.

Due to developers , NYC has changed and a lot of the poorer sections have been moved out but the hoods that remain are as dangerous as ever , there is a major gang problem in poorer areas in NYC and NJ . Blood secs everywhere and they are lethal.