From what you said your brother sounded like a cool guy. I said this many times that I dispise weak people I mean people who are weak willed. Your brother sounded like a strong willed person I respect people like that.

I once had walking pneumonia that led to chronic bronchitis. That knocked the shit out of me for long periods of time plus others near you can catch it. Not ever antibiotic works on it. I found one but it takes months to work. Then a new doctor prescribed something different. He said he takes it when he was sick because you can't take people's money when your sick.

It is made up of two drugs it's mixed right at the pharmacy. You have to drink it right after it is mixed when you get home. But that one dose can clear up bronchitis or even pneumonia in as little time as a week.

Is this what your brother took. I forget it's name but I can find out from my doctor. It worked for me, but I seem to remember but it can be very dangerous for other people.

He told me it can be used for bronchitis and even pneumonia.

If he took this his doctor should have warned him it may have life threatening effects.

Sorry for your loss man.

only the unloved hate