Don't get mad, it's just my opinion. I saw Frank in concert once in AC, he was having trouble remembering some of the words to his songs but it was still great seeing him live. The crowd loved him.
I saw him eleven times in between 1976 and 1994. And yes, during the final years it was sometimes difficult to look at him. It was almost like watching a once great fighter get beat up in his middle age. But it was still an experience that was unparalleled.
As far as AC, he was best when playing the Copa Room at the Sands because it was small and the acoustics were great. He was at Resorts early on and the room was just too big.
I also saw him at Trop World with Tony Bennett in a very small room called the Top of the Trop. And he was never better than he was that night. Small room. Intimate. Great acoustics. And he was already in his '70s at the time. Later in his life, with his voice, acoustics were everything while singing live
