I think you may be onto something here. the camorra may have been the strongest faction. they and the calabrian may be the oldest. not much is mentioned of the calabrian. but, I read where their the oldest of all. I got to read dashs book.thank you for the info alfa.

You're too kind Binnie. And what you say merits notice. If the Camorra are needed to explain the origin of Joe Masseria and the base of his power, we cannot ignore any other "mafias" extant at that time to help us understand just what the Masseria organization was composed of.

It sort of all fits together. Maranzano being ethnocentric and disinterested in having relationships with non Sicilians naturally ended up being the general of the smaller army.

Masseria by dealing with different varieties of Italians (Camorra, Al Capone, etc) accumulated the more massive organization. Masseria would even back a non Sicilian (Capone) against a Sicilian (Aiello).

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."