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Martin Foley's home was raided this morning

The County Sheriff raided the home of criminal turned debt collector Martin 'The Viper' Foley this morning and seized a car, motorbikes and other valuables.

It is understood that the Sheriff accompanied by gardai called to Foley's home in Crumlin early this morning with a warrant to search the premises and seize any valuables.

It is understood that three motorbikes, a car, a quantity of jewelry and an expensive watch were taken as part of the operation.

The raid was carried out on foot of a €916,960 declaration made against the 63 year-old by the Criminal Assets Bureau as revealed earlier this year by the Sunday World.

The judgement was made after an investigation into Foley for the under declaration of income tax. The County Sheriff is entitled to seize Foley's assets to satisfy the bill and even has the power to apply to seize his home.

Foley is a veteran criminal with 45 convictions and has been on the garda's radar for over 40 years.

He runs a successful debt collection business but accounts last year revealed that it lost €7,518 despite gardai getting reports from across the country that Foley was pressurising people into paying debts they could not afford.

Foley's wife and a fellow director of the debt collection company Sonia Doyle is six months pregnant despite the fact he qualifies for a pension soon.

He has infamously survived four assassination attempts and has 18 bullets lodged in his body.