yeah but on the serious note,how does a guy get to kill 38 times.Thats how many people gerry pappa killed.Atleast thats what they say.Does the boss really use you for a hit 38 times?remmember he was 36 when he died,so his first hit had to be in his early 20s,maybe earlier.Thats a lot of people dead,evan for a guy who is only a hitman.In fact pappa was a good earner too,he was in windowns also,so hits were not his only trade.

Does the Boss OK 38 hits for one guy? I don't think so.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, these guys with big body counts, they must be killing associates, people on record with them but who are not made. To kill those people, they might not need permission. If the associate is not on record and is someone the soldier is just preying on, then it might be even easier to whack that person off the record.

If a guy with 38 hits was whacking mafia, there would be no mafia left. So they are probably killing civilians for various reasons such as to collect debts, silence witness, and of course to steal and consolidate wealth. Misappropriation of assets. Why be a silent partner when you can own the whole thing? These are just theories of mine.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."