Originally Posted By: Lou_Para
The Tommy Darmody storyline was definitely under-developed. Although I'm sure a lot of folks assume that somehow Gillian was behind Nucky's killing,I'm not one of them.

Even though Tommy says his grandmother talked about Nucky a lot and he couldn't tell if it was love or hate,that in itself doesn't indicate involvement by anyone but Tommy.

The scenes where Gillian is trying to see young Tommy during the custody battle show Tommy as being almost afraid of her,and as we know,he was soon taken away by

Richard's sister.

So the question for me is: How did Tommy find out for sure that Nucky killed his father.? Terrance Winter could have cleared that up,even if it came right before Nucky's killing.

By no means does this take away from one of the best shows ever made,but it would have been nice to know.

If tommy thought nucky had killed his father why wait to kill him he had numerous opertunaties to do it the easiest would have been after nucky got rolled and left in an alley drunk why didnt he do it then. And before he shoots nucky he makes no mention of his father just his mema and also just happens to kill him after he denied Julian's help to get out. That character Julian was one of the sharpest on the show she played the hand she was delt that's what I took away from the last season if she had nothing to do with the hit why have her on the last season at all.

"You come at the king you best not miss"-Omar