Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
People are leaking because they are sick of this bullshit- the Governor of a state demanding someone be indicted for political expediency, a democrat party using this case to send out mailers that unless they are elected for another term the KKK is coming back, a justice department that essentially came with the express purpose of finding something to stick, a president going out there prejudging the situation. But of course, none of these are the least bit troubling or major obstacles to due process. The truth in the form of leaks are the major issue. Not the mob and its political instruments that have run a several month long campaign of intimidation.

Right on point with every sentence.

This kid Little Nicky might be the brightest, most objective poster here. But sadly, he's wasting his breath.

Like another poster said, people's minds were made up about this BEFORE any evidence was presented. And they ain't changing their minds. Besides, they're having too much fun looting and rioting.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.