MC: Reagan began his speech at our factory this way: "Now I know that the good people of Oklahoma are just as sore as I am about those big companies that have tax loopholes so big you can fly a 747 through their plant." And there we were, in AT&T's Oklahoma City Works--32 acres under one roof--and AT&T had paid no Federal taxes the year before because of the breakup of the Bell System. With friends like him...

dt: I needed a new car in 1983. I was thinking of buying a Honda Accord, which at that time was called "the class act of compact cars." But I was working in a manufacturing unit of AT&T at the time, and I felt patriotic. So I bought a Dodge Aries. Worst new car I ever owned. What a piece of sh*t.

In 1775, Boswell said: "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." I might have added: "Patriotism in car buying is the mark of a sap."