Originally Posted By: Turnbull
MC: Reagan began his speech at our factory this way: "Now I know that the good people of Oklahoma are just as sore as I am about those big companies that have tax loopholes so big you can fly a 747 through their plant." And there we were, in AT&T's Oklahoma City Works--32 acres under one roof--and AT&T had paid no Federal taxes the year before because of the breakup of the Bell System. With friends like him... panic

dt: I needed a new car in 1983. I was thinking of buying a Honda Accord, which at that time was called "the class act of compact cars." But I was working in a manufacturing unit of AT&T at the time, and I felt patriotic. So I bought a Dodge Aries. Worst new car I ever owned. What a piece of sh*t. mad

In 1775, Boswell said: "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." I might have added: "Patriotism in car buying is the mark of a sap."

I think pretty much all American cars in the 80's were total pieces of junk. Many of us who bought American cars to be patriotic were suckers. We all learned our lesson and from then bought Japanese or German vehicles. At least that's what ppl in CA did.