... any chance of making a seattle seahawks fan out of you?

Too many years invested in the Giants. When I was 8 years old I had a #16 jersey (not a Giant jersey) and I WAS FRANK GIFFORD.

A little Seahawk story.
My cousin grew up in Fairlawn NJ and played QB for St. Lukes in Hohokus, which closed and he then went to St. Mary's in Rutherford, and he was a Joe Namath fan. He went to Montana State U and played QB there, married a girl from Spokane, Wash area and became a teacher out there. As a part time job, he was a sideline ballboy for the Seahawks (late 70s, early 80s). When they were on TV we would scour the sidelines to catch a glimpse of him throwing in a ball to the refs. But the cool thing was...he used to throw passes to Steve Largent in warm-ups.