Heads are going to roll in the Bears organization, Mark. No other way to say it. It'll start about an hour after the season ends. Guaranteed.
after last night, its' liable to be quicker than that.
Agreed, pb. The organization has NEVER fired a coach mid season. There has got to be a change because Trestman has lost the locker room - believe it. No matter how many reports say he hasn't, he has... period.
Heads are going to roll in the Bears organization, Mark. No other way to say it. It'll start about an hour after the season ends. Guaranteed.
after last night, its' liable to be quicker than that.
Agreed, pb. The organization has NEVER fired a coach mid season. There has got to be a change because Trestman has lost the locker room - believe it. No matter how many reports say he hasn't, he has... period.
What pisses me off is that I was really happy with the hiring of Trestman, and thought it would be a safer hire than Bruce Arians.
The combination of Trestman, Cutler, and Tucker is not working at all. I give up on all three.
When the NFL first became popular in the UK back in the '80's the Bears and the Dolphins were the 2 teams everybody seemed to like. How times change.....
I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees!
When the NFL first became popular in the UK back in the '80's the Bears and the Dolphins were the 2 teams everybody seemed to like. How times change.....
I wished I saw those mid 80's Bears, and yeah the Dolphin had one of the best QBs in the game. To bad they never won a Super Bowl.
Heads are going to roll in the Bears organization, Mark. No other way to say it. It'll start about an hour after the season ends. Guaranteed.
after last night, its' liable to be quicker than that.
Agreed, pb. The organization has NEVER fired a coach mid season.
Firing a coach mid-season is a rarity all over the NFL. It's not baseball where if you fire a manager 70 games into the season you can still turn around and make the playoffs.
When you're 2 and 8, you're almost better off if you keep losing to set yourself up for the draft. They'll never admit that, but you know how that goes .
"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.
There are tons of Bears fans completely irate with being a laughing stock nationally after that Packers game. Understand that two weeks ago we were cremated by Brady and the Patriots. Young, old, casual and especially devoted meatball fans like me are all angry. I thought Trestman was a good hire initially but I always thought Bill Cowher or Jon Gruden would have been a great fit for my Beloved!
There are tons of Bears fans completely irate with being a laughing stock nationally after that Packers game. Understand that two weeks ago we were cremated by Brady and the Patriots. Young, old, casual and especially devoted meatball fans like me are all angry. I thought Trestman was a good hire initially but I always thought Bill Cowher or Jon Gruden would have been a great fit for my Beloved!
I hear you, Mark. You guys are going on thirty years without winning a Super Bowl. That's a long stretch. But it could be worse. They could be the Jets .
"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.
Don't include me in that mess. The Jets can't lose enough in my book. Although I briefly rooted for them when Parcells was there. If they could have held on against Elway in that AFC Championship (1999??), they would have smoked the Falcons in that Super Bowl. Dirty birds my ass .
"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.
There are tons of Bears fans completely irate with being a laughing stock nationally after that Packers game. Understand that two weeks ago we were cremated by Brady and the Patriots. Young, old, casual and especially devoted meatball fans like me are all angry. I thought Trestman was a good hire initially but I always thought Bill Cowher or Jon Gruden would have been a great fit for my Beloved!
I don't see them getting out of the booth to coach again. I thought they would years ago, but it has been years for both of them now. They are making a lot of money from where they are, and more time to be with their families.
Also, I wonder if Trestman will just leave the job due to his daughter being targeted with rape threats.
Also, I wonder if Trestman will just leave the job due to his daughter being targeted with rape threats.
That's terrible. When fans take things that far they're past the point of just wanting to win a football game. They're sick. They should be tracked down and prosecuted, even if it was "all talk."
"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.
Also, I wonder if Trestman will just leave the job due to his daughter being targeted with rape threats.
That's terrible. When fans take things that far they're past the point of just wanting to win a football game. They're sick. They should be tracked down and prosecuted, even if it was "all talk."
That's how I feel as well. It's just a game, and they take it this freaking far. Making his family's life a living hell because his team doesn't win games?
Honestly, I won't be surprised if other coaches stay the hell away from the Bears job because of these certain 'fans'.
Also, I wonder if Trestman will just leave the job due to his daughter being targeted with rape threats.
That's terrible. When fans take things that far they're past the point of just wanting to win a football game. They're sick. They should be tracked down and prosecuted, even if it was "all talk."
Couldn't agree more, some times people need to realize that it's just a game. Last year a dog was attacked by Rangers fans here for wearing a Celtic top, obviously nothing close to rape threats but it still makes my blood boil . I'm as big of a Celtic fan as anyone, but if this was Celtic fans attacking a dog with a Rangers top on i'd be just as clear on calling these people absolute scummy lowlifes.
Also, I wonder if Trestman will just leave the job due to his daughter being targeted with rape threats.
That's terrible. When fans take things that far they're past the point of just wanting to win a football game. They're sick. They should be tracked down and prosecuted, even if it was "all talk."
Couldn't agree more, some times people need to realize that it's just a game. Last year a dog was attacked by Rangers fans here for wearing a Celtic top, obviously nothing close to rape threats but it still makes my blood boil . I'm as big of a Celtic fan as anyone, but if this was Celtic fans attacking a dog with a Rangers top on i'd be just as clear on calling these people absolute scummy lowlifes.
Also, I wonder if Trestman will just leave the job due to his daughter being targeted with rape threats.
That's terrible. When fans take things that far they're past the point of just wanting to win a football game. They're sick. They should be tracked down and prosecuted, even if it was "all talk."
Couldn't agree more, some times people need to realize that it's just a game. Last year a dog was attacked by Rangers fans here for wearing a Celtic top, obviously nothing close to rape threats but it still makes my blood boil . I'm as big of a Celtic fan as anyone, but if this was Celtic fans attacking a dog with a Rangers top on i'd be just as clear on calling these people absolute scummy lowlifes.
Reminds of Bryan Stow who was attacked by two Dodger fans for wearing a Giants jersey three years back, and almost killed him.
Happens all of the time here with both teams, there's certain parts of Glasgow that wearing anything Celtic or vice-versa is a death wish. I read something on a Forum a few months back, about a Yankees fan being attacked in a NYC bar for wearing a Brooklyn Dodgers hat because the attackers thought it was a Boston Red Sox hat. It was only a personal anecdote on a forum though so it could've been bs.
The Old Firm, or Celtic-Rangers rivalry is that volatile that Vice News did a Documentary on it. The link is below if anyone is interested, but first i'd like to say that i don't consider these morons Celtic fans and despite my hatred for Rangers, i don't consider them true Rangers fans. Also sorry for hijacking this thread.
Also, I wonder if Trestman will just leave the job due to his daughter being targeted with rape threats.
That's terrible. When fans take things that far they're past the point of just wanting to win a football game. They're sick. They should be tracked down and prosecuted, even if it was "all talk."
Couldn't agree more, some times people need to realize that it's just a game. Last year a dog was attacked by Rangers fans here for wearing a Celtic top, obviously nothing close to rape threats but it still makes my blood boil . I'm as big of a Celtic fan as anyone, but if this was Celtic fans attacking a dog with a Rangers top on i'd be just as clear on calling these people absolute scummy lowlifes.
Right, as if the dog chose to put that jersey on. Our dog growing up used to get pissed when you put a collar on him, much less a jersey.
Regardless of the sport, I think the crazies become more pronounced as the rivalry intensifies. But social media has aggravated the problem, since people can take potshots at someone else from a relatively safe distance. Thirty years ago, a coach's daughter could live in relative anonymity and at worst get some phone calls, which could be easily fixed with a number change/unlisted number.
Semi-related story - When I lived in Denver in the mid-90s, I had a friend who was from Michigan and was a Detroit Red Wings fan. In 1997, the Red Wings-Avalanche rivalry was one of the ugliest and nastiest rivalries in all of professional sports. We went to Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Conference Finals in Denver, and he's wearing a Wings jersey. Somehow we made it through the parking lot alive. He's in the bathroom when the power goes out at McNichols, and four Avalanche fans pissed on him. Fortunately, Colorado won that game, so we made it back to the car in relative peace.
I'm so glad Al Michaels is still around. He was always my fave...had a crush on him since I was a teenie bopper (sigh) John Madden was always scribbling all over the screen while Al being very cool would just let him go off on his tangents. Al is one COOL DUDE.
Saw a Bulls game a couple of years ago and we were about 25 rows from behind the basket where the press sits. Those tickets were $125... plus parking pass was another $25.
Blackhawks standing room only start around $80 and seats come to and near the glass can go up to $300 - $700 each.
well, the seahawks went down again. lot of disappointed fans up here today. they are not the team they were last year.
I have to say that the 3 best teams on the nfl today are Arizona, green bay, and the patriots. [ I left out the crumbs of dallas.] I hope they lose every one of the games they have remaining.
" watch what you say around this guy, he's got a big mouth" sam giancana to an outfit soldier about frank Sinatra. [ from the book "my way"
If you haven't seen it yet, look up the catch made by Odell Beckham of the Giants. Could go down in history as the most amazing catch of all time.
Re: the Giants. I shut the game off after the first series in the 3rd quarter. The Giants were up 21-10, but I could tell they were going to lose. They went into the infamous prevent defense and don't fumble offense. They lost 31-28. Time to clean out the coaches.
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12