Also, I wonder if Trestman will just leave the job due to his daughter being targeted with rape threats.
That's terrible. When fans take things that far they're past the point of just wanting to win a football game. They're sick. They should be tracked down and prosecuted, even if it was "all talk."
Couldn't agree more, some times people need to realize that it's just a game. Last year a dog was attacked by Rangers fans here for wearing a Celtic top, obviously nothing close to rape threats but it still makes my blood boil

. I'm as big of a Celtic fan as anyone, but if this was Celtic fans attacking a dog with a Rangers top on i'd be just as clear on calling these people absolute scummy lowlifes. Right, as if the dog chose to put that jersey on. Our dog growing up used to get pissed when you put a collar on him, much less a jersey.
Regardless of the sport, I think the crazies become more pronounced as the rivalry intensifies. But social media has aggravated the problem, since people can take potshots at someone else from a relatively safe distance. Thirty years ago, a coach's daughter could live in relative anonymity and at worst get some phone calls, which could be easily fixed with a number change/unlisted number.
Semi-related story - When I lived in Denver in the mid-90s, I had a friend who was from Michigan and was a Detroit Red Wings fan. In 1997, the Red Wings-Avalanche rivalry was one of the ugliest and nastiest rivalries in all of professional sports. We went to Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Conference Finals in Denver, and he's wearing a Wings jersey. Somehow we made it through the parking lot alive. He's in the bathroom when the power goes out at McNichols, and four Avalanche fans pissed on him. Fortunately, Colorado won that game, so we made it back to the car in relative peace.