Originally Posted By: Footreads
Originally Posted By: Mark
I would like to see Billy Joel update that song with a few more verses covering the 25 years that have passed since it was originally was released.

I was supposed to see Billy Joel at the Garden on the 25th. But I hurt my heel it's better but I am not sure it will be good enough to go to see him on the 25.

So I gave our tickets to my oldest son to see with his relatively new wife. Get this his wife born in one of the nations ending in stan doesn't even know who Billy Joel is?

I told my wife what kind of a barbarian did our son marry? How can she not know who Billy Joel is?

I'm really surprised you gave your tix to your son and his barbaric clueless wife. lol I thought you would "milk" your injury for all it's worth. Wrap up your foot, Rent a wheelchair from the venue, have your wife push you around, get "special" access to your seat, use the exclusive VIP bar (if you drink) due to your limited mobility and ppl will allow you to use a bigger stall just for you in the men's room. Then you can drink all you want since you will be sitting and not walking. Man, do I have to teach you everything?