I've watched 3 episodes of this show. While there are parts that sometimes peak my interest, there are many more parts that are just plain boring which has caused me to lose overall interest in this show.
I gave this show a second shot by watching the first season on demand. Boy am I glad that I did. Then I watched the entire second season.
Voight is fantastic in his role as Mickey!
Is it me, or is this the IRISH version of The Sopranos?
Ray has his mental issues as well as personal issues with those around him just like Tony did.
Abby is Carmela reincarnated. She has a love / hate relationship with Ray but when push comes to shove family comes first. Not to mention that like Carmela she loves Ray again after he buys her something!
Bridget, just like Meadow, does her thing and is very like her father Ray in many ways and like Meadow she knows exactly what her father is about.
Conor is a marmaluke....clueless in many ways, just as AJ was.
Mickey.....well he is a thorn in Rays side. Makes Ray lose all control just like Livia did to Tony!
Avi is Ray's Furio.
Yes, the IRSIH version of the Sopranos!

Can't wait for next season. So glad that I gave it a second chance. Great show!