Originally Posted By: cookcounty
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: cookcounty
obama got elected because "conservatives" voted for bush because they hate obama types

Bush didn't run against Obama. But there's no denying that people bought into the "hope and change" hoax.

Originally Posted By: cookcounty
bush ruined the country so bad that they elected a black man as president

Half Black, Cook. Half Black. You're never getting President Rufus. Ever. And Obama has been such an unmitigated disaster that you're not likely to see another Black man in that role for a long time to come.

Originally Posted By: cookcounty
bush lied about a war, got caught, and people still voted for him

Bush was a lousy President but a decent man. And a hundred years from now, after millions more are slaughtered in the name of the pseudo-deity Allah, history will likely exonerate Bush for seeing the inherent evil in the Middle Eastern born Muslims. Any American with half a brain would rather die next to the Jews than bow down to those animals.

would a decent man fabricate a reason to start a fucking war and kill innocents?

that's your idea of a good american?

get a bunch of young americans killed/maimed/traumatized and blow up a country

Say what you want about Bush, but I'd take him over the assclown we have now. Seriously I don't think we've had a worse President since James Buchanan let the South secede from the Union