Of course I don't like the idea but the UK is a very politically correct place. Even if our country is going down the toilet it would be "terribly impolite" to actually mention it or blame anybody. The only consolation seems to be that just about every other country is on its way down the crapper as well....
France and Germany have an even bigger problem with Muslims not assimilating in their respective countries. Sweden has a huge rape problem from Somali immigrants and the Netherlands aren't any better. 50 years from now I wonder where we will be. Because at the moment, the West is slipping further and further into decadence and decay
I live in Belgium, which is home to a substantial Moroccan community. I for one don't get caught up in the European immigration panic hype a lot of other people seem to get. I mean, it's clear that immigrants have become very visible in most of the major cities (that is if you can describe any city in Belgium as "major" lol). But demographics show that the indigenous population still has a large overall majority. And that's not only the case with Belgium. While I have read about some of the -in my opinion absurd- doom predicting scenarios, different studies on the other hand have shown that while the amount of people from a non-European background will of course grow a bit, the indigenous population will still be in the vast majority. It really is nothing THAT alarming and far from as terrifying as some (including some wild articles) make it out to be.
Now I want to make clear that I'm not an immigration lover. You know, it's a shame because there's quite an amount of people over here from an immigrant background (including ones from a Muslim one) that I really do get along with. But a certain portion of them is causing trouble. And while the troublemakers are a minority, it's a minority that has become big enough to be a serious nuissance. And that is something that could've been avoided with better immigration policies or (even better) without any immigration at all.
Just my two cents.