I seen Pizzaboy comments, yea he might of been a little bit of a thief.. But just like you put it my man.. He Gave the construction worker/truck driving man dignity, good wages, and benefits for their families.. Not everyone can work for the government or own an oil well or own lots of property... somebody gotta do the GRUNT work.. and be paid decent honest wages.. now i gotta watch that Hoffa movie again it was a good one.. yea I have 8 years in the union and I have a nice annuity I can say.. no other non union construction outfit ever ever provided that let alone all 5 planks on a brick/stucco scaffolding... no bullshit there.. One time non union we were 5 frames high on the scaffold with 2 planks.. And I seen Mexicans drawing straws.. it was to see who had to coat that top piece the house.. And they turned and looked at me and said be careful... no bs ha ha ha