Originally Posted By: marine
Well said Fleming..! thank you my man.. Not looking to be a million air Footreads.. just wanna be able to be able to pay my bills without a huge struggle and be just like every one else.. just like I said earlier someone gotta b the grunt.. not every one can own an oil well or property.. or b on wall street or have a govt job.. what about the other 85% of the population..

Why not try to make it big? I grew up poor we did not know it back then. Well I knew it because I lived on the street for years. I thought that was better then living in the house and take daily beating from my loving father Daddio.

I came back after Daddio was dead and burning in hell I hope. To try and help my mother and brother. My mother was actually brooken hearted when Daddio died. I guess she missed getting burnt by his cigs. She was used to getting hit her father used to beat her with a rubber hose. Brother ralph was four years older then I was and did shit about it.

The good news is my father help make me whatever it is that I am today. I can not wait to get to hell so I can make my daddio suffer even more then he is suffering today.

I am sure you been to plenty union meeting right. When they have to vote to go back to work I have as well.

Here is what I saw the company and the union agree that its members will go back to work.For a big raise back then of 6 cents an hour :)bunch of fucking knuckle heads. Was it a good deal for the worker no.But that is the deal they agreed on back then. The union had some shop stewards in their pockets they got money to accept that deal. Then they get the meeting with all the shop stewards. They talk them into it. Any one with a big mouth disagrees they drawn him out.

Now all the shop stuarts agree it is a done deal. not matter what the rank and file works want. They talk them into it. Then they got the vote. Same thing happens that happened with the shop stewarts.


something like that as I recall

only the unloved hate