I think it's absurd---I repeat that, it's fucking absurd---that we have to provide them with prayer mats, and copies of the Koran, and Muslim friendly foods. If it was up to me they'd be tortured (really tortured, water boarding ain't shit), and starved to the point where they'd gladly accept a meal of bacon at every meal. If they don't like it, let them starve to death.
A few years ago I would have thought pb's ideas were too extreme. Now, I believe them to be just. Years ago I would have said we need to treat these prisoners fairly because we want our citizens being held prisoner by them to be treated fairly. Well, a few be-headings and a few years later I realize we are at war. It may not be a declared war, but make no mistake about it, we're fighting a war. That means the gloves come off. One fights to win. No such thing as 'fair fighting'. You annihilate your enemy. To hell with the idea that this makes us no better than them. War is hell.