Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo

How can we understand the Sicilian mafia without looking into Vatican money laundering?

That's like trying to discuss the French Connection without mentioning the French.

I was just giving you some friendly advice because you're obviously a very bright guy and you seem to like it here. I'm here as a registered member for over eight years, and as a lurker for a year or two before that. I've seen every topic imaginable here. The mods can't be here 24/7 and I'm just trying to keep the peace because they're all personal friends of mine. And mark my words, a thread about the Catholic Church and the Mafia will not end well. There are just too many people, whether they're bitter homosexuals or just garden variety liberal nutjobs, who are too fast to dismiss all the good that the Church has done in its 2000 year history, just to bring light to the bad.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.