Originally Posted By: ItalianIrishMix
I have to say though, THIS dude is definitely LCN to the core. To be locked up since 1989 and not squeal takes a tough man.

Like or dislike the Gotti family, they deserve respect for taking their knocks like men.

Gene is doing 25+yrs (rejected plea to boot).
Peter is doing effectively life.
Richard's done time.
Jnr did 10yrs and faced FOUR trials facing LIFE.

And John. Who some here like to say wasnt LCN and you may not like his style but ate his life sentence with a smile. Thats more LCN than most, if it be said.

All in all thats A HELL of alot of years for 4 siblings and a son.

All without a peep.

So like or lump the Gotti's, they pay their dues.
For what its worth.

MORGAN: Why didn't you fight him at the park if you wanted to? I'm not goin' now, I'm eatin' my snack.
CHUCKIE: Morgan, Let's go.
MORGAN: I'm serious Chuckie, I ain't goin'.
WILL: So don't go.