Originally Posted By: oldschool3
A question for you NY guys: How does a guy like DeBlasio get voted into office in a city that once had Giuliani at the helm? That is a monumental paradigm shift. Not only did he win, but in a landslide! Every time NYC goes down that leftie lane, they end up in a monster mess of high crime, filth, and massive debt...wasn't Giuliani enough of an example for them to see what works and what doesn't?...but then again, the nation at large, does the samething I guess with our presidential voting.

He won because Christine Quinn was believed to be a shoo-in in the Lefty community. As soon as the angry dyke in her reared its ugly head, she was outed (no pun intended) for the incompetent that she is. de Blasio fell ass backwards into the nomination.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.