
I'm still a little perturbed with you since you went around the bush in a direct conversation a long time ago. But now that you want to chat sure I can do that.

We have many discussions on the problems within our communities and yes youth pregnancy is one of them. But not that's not the sole the problems because it's individuality. Your problem is not the next fellow american problem but similar.
Let me break down those stats and you think more on this account : Subtract from that percentage those that are Divorced, Fathers overseas, Unmarried Couples, Widows, and Unmarried Fathers died by natural cause & accidents, Fathers killed by Drugs/Gangs/ & Organized Crime related, And of course those who don't WANT to get married.

Everybody know that relationships goes up & down. And that 19 year old still can go to college ( I know since there's pregnant and mothers) so it's not much of an ultimatum . Teens are going to make poor decisions and guys trying get laid , that's normal. I'm not trying to deflect the problem but divorce rate have risen generally overall so there's more single mothers out there.
Plus you must haven't read this:

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb