"First off, deciding to have a baby out if wed lock and then depending on relatives to help is absurd. Why burden others due to irresponsible decisions???"
Its called family for a reason and some isn't decided just happen due to fool around which happens. We all make poor decision and a relative generally helps out.
"You say i am only referring to a small segment of the black population? Its over 70% of black children that are born out of wed lock. Thats not a small segment, thats a majority."
I thought you meant specially the lazy no good ones depending on welfare, LoL. Yes of course it's a majority and as I have said before Belmount ; Unmarried households is the majority now overall in our country and it doesn't equals parenting. Unmarried / married that's between the parents relationship but when comes to raising that child/children it doesn't matter if there's a ring on the finger or not period.
"Why do i care if i'm not black? I care as an american. I care as a tax payer and i care as a human being. Its just wrong to live that way. And unfair to the babies."
I admire your passion.

There's many people living wrong by their choices and that's apart of life. Talk to your black employees and I bet you have a similar conversation that runs along mine and yet along with yours. There's no monolithic black community likewise with your ethnicity and others. Every black community is different yet experience the similar social circumstances to various degrees.