Black family
You say a family sticks together and helps raise a kid out of wed lock??? Well, i can see once, but to condone it is another story. blacks condone irresponsible behavior, lets be real here.
I just read a story yesterday about a black kid that was shot. His neighbor said he was looking forward to getting his GED and he and his girl friend were about to have their first baby ... Are you kidding me !!! 18 and having a baby without being married and no high school diploma in this day and age .. These are the kind of kids/ people that ruin the black community and of course his girlfriend has to take the blame as well. What do you think is going to happen to that baby when the girlfriend delivers? Just a guess but i can pretty much guarantee he is going to be wearing an orange jump suit in 18 years ,
Lets change the scenario. His shit head father graduates high school, goes to college, or acquires skills as a trade school. He then gets a job, meets a nice girl, they get married and then plan on having a bout that????? I would bet that baby turns out pretty darn good.

Last edited by Belmont; 12/30/14 08:47 AM.